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21 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 bit /ˈbɪt/

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 雙極( 信 )息位元

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 位元; 數元

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 缺位; 非( 二進 )位

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From: Taiwan MOE computer dictionary


From: Network Terminology

 位元 比

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bit n.
 1. The part of a bridle, usually of iron, which is inserted in the mouth of a horse, and having appendages to which the reins are fastened.
    The foamy bridle with the bit of gold.   --Chaucer.
 2. Fig.: Anything which curbs or restrains.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bit, n. In the British West Indies, a fourpenny piece, or groat.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bit, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Bitted p. pr. & vb. n. Bitting.] To put a bridle upon; to put the bit in the mouth of.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bit, imp. & p. p. of Bite.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bit, n.
 1. A part of anything, such as may be bitten off or taken into the mouth; a morsel; a bite. Hence: A small piece of anything; a little; a mite.
 2. Somewhat; something, but not very great.
    My young companion was a bit of a poet.   --T. Hook.
 Note:This word is used, also, like jot and whit, to express the smallest degree; as, he is not a bit wiser.
 3. A tool for boring, of various forms and sizes, usually turned by means of a brace or bitstock. See Bitstock.
 4. The part of a key which enters the lock and acts upon the bolt and tumblers.
 5. The cutting iron of a plane.
 6. In the Southern and Southwestern States, a small silver coin (as the real) formerly current; commonly, one worth about 12 1/2 cents; also, the sum of 12 1/2 cents.
 Bit my bit, piecemeal.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bit, 3d sing. pr. of Bid, for biddeth. [Obs.]

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Bite v. t. [imp. Bit p. p. Bitten Bit; p. pr. & vb. n. Biting.]
 1. To seize with the teeth, so that they enter or nip the thing seized; to lacerate, crush, or wound with the teeth; as, to bite an apple; to bite a crust; the dog bit a man.
 Such smiling rogues as these,
 Like rats, oft bite the holy cords atwain.   --Shak.
 2. To puncture, abrade, or sting with an organ (of some insects) used in taking food.
 3. To cause sharp pain, or smarting, to; to hurt or injure, in a literal or a figurative sense; as, pepper bites the mouth. “Frosts do bite the meads.”
 4. To cheat; to trick; to take in. [Colloq.]
 5. To take hold of; to hold fast; to adhere to; as, the anchor bites the ground.
    The last screw of the rack having been turned so often that its purchase crumbled, . . . it turned and turned with nothing to bite.   --Dickens.
 To bite the dust, To bite the ground, to fall in the agonies of death; as, he made his enemy bite the dust.
 To bite in Etching, to corrode or eat into metallic plates by means of an acid.
 To bite the thumb at (any one), formerly a mark of contempt, designed to provoke a quarrel; to defy.  “Do you bite your thumb at us?” --Shak.
 To bite the tongue, to keep silence. --Shak.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a small quantity; "a spot of tea"; "a bit of paper" [syn: spot]
      2: a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; "a
         bit of rock caught him in the eye" [syn: chip, flake,
         fleck, scrap]
      3: an indefinitely short time; "wait just a moment"; "it only
         takes a minute"; "in just a bit" [syn: moment, minute,
      4: an instance of some kind; "it was a nice piece of work"; "he
         had a bit of good luck" [syn: piece]
      5: piece of metal held in horse's mouth by reins and used to
         control the horse while riding; "the horse was not
         accustomed to a bit"
      6: a unit of measurement of information (from Binary + digIT);
         the amount of information in a system having two
         equiprobable states; "there are 8 bits in a byte"
      7: a small amount of solid food; a mouthful; "all they had left
         was a bit of bread" [syn: morsel, bite]
      8: a small fragment; "overheard snatches of their conversation"
         [syn: snatch]
      9: a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer
         program; "he did his act three times every evening"; "she
         had a catchy little routine"; "it was one of the best
         numbers he ever did" [syn: act, routine, number, turn]
      10: the cutting part of a drill; usually pointed and threaded
          and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or drill press;
          "he looked around for the right size bit"
      [also: bitting, bitted]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n 1: a wound resulting from biting by an animal or a person
      2: a small amount of solid food; a mouthful; "all they had left
         was a bit of bread" [syn: morsel, bit]
      3: a painful wound caused by the thrust of an insect's stinger
         into skin [syn: sting, insect bite]
      4: a light informal meal [syn: collation, snack]
      5: (angling) an instance of a fish taking the bait; "after
         fishing for an hour he still had not had a bite"
      6: wit having a sharp and caustic quality; "he commented with
         typical pungency"; "the bite of satire" [syn: pungency]
      7: a strong odor or taste property; "the pungency of mustard";
         "the sulfurous bite of garlic"; "the sharpness of strange
         spices" [syn: pungency, sharpness]
      8: the act of gripping or chewing off with the teeth and jaws
         [syn: chomp]
      9: a portion removed from the whole; "the government's weekly
         bite from my paycheck"
      v 1: to grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or
           jaws; "Gunny invariably tried to bite her" [syn: seize
           with teeth]
      2: cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort; "The sun
         burned his face" [syn: sting, burn]
      3: penetrate or cut, as with a knife; "The fork bit into the
      4: deliver a sting to; "A bee stung my arm yesterday" [syn: sting,
      [also: bitten, bit]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      See bite
      [also: bitting, bitted]

From: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

    the curb put into the mouths of horses to restrain them. The
    Hebrew word (metheg) so rendered in Ps. 32:9 is elsewhere
    translated "bridle" (2 Kings 19:28; Prov. 26:3; Isa. 37:29).
    Bits were generally made of bronze or iron, but sometimes also
    of gold or silver. In James 3:3 the Authorized Version
    translates the Greek word by "bits," but the Revised Version by